Will it be A-Rod and J-Lo? Will it be the Reuben brothers? Whereas we do not yet know who will be the new owners of the Mets we do know one thing — the Wilpons have a timeline. They want to sell the team by the end of the year.

The New York Post reports that first-round bids on the Mets will begin in July. The Wilpons are looking to have their buyer confirmed by October 1st.

July is just one week away, Mets fans. It’s happening! And it’s happening soon. But if the Wilpons want to sell the team by the end of the year — in fact, one source told The Post that they “need to sell the team before the end of the year” — they need to start fielding bidders sooner rather than later to get everything squared away.

By having their buyer all set by October, then the Wilpons will have enough time to sign off on things and submit it to MLB, as they will need to approve it.

With Spring Training (well, Summer Training) and baseball beginning again in July, it looks like next month will be a busy one for the Mets, and an exciting one for us Mets fans.