It’s only been one week since the murders in Tucson and we’ve learned a lot about some who were involved, particularly the family of a little girl named Christina who played second base for her little league team. Christina never had a chance with a crazy gunman and a Glock facing her.

However, her spirit lives on, due to her family values. Her Grandfather, Dallas Green, well-known to all baseball fans in the NY/PA metropolitan areas and his son John who works in the business side of MLB have proved by their actions that Christina learned it all from them. I like to think it’s called ‘playing by the rules’ in sports language.

Dallas, although grief-stricken, made it his business to thank in person all those who helped. I’m talking about police, fire, ambulances, EMTs, etc. John worked with those who made sure that Christina’s organs were used for someone who really needed them, and also with the pastor of their church in planning the funeral.

Asked if he would like to meet the girl who received the transplant, John Green told CNN, “Oh yes, and I’d give her a big hug.”

Mourners at Christina’s funeral entered beneath the National 9/11 Flag, a massive patchwork of fabric rescued from the Twin Towers. A New York firefighter brought the flag to Tucson to honor Christina, according to the Arizona Republic.

“I can’t tell you how much we all miss you,” her father said during the service. “I think you have affected the whole country.”

Is this about sports?


Or maybe it’s just about sportsmen.

In that vein, I’m posting a link about John Green written by Jeff Jacoby in the Boston Globe this morning.

Voices of patience and wisdom – The Boston Globe