jacob degrom

Great show tonight as Bob Klapisch and Wally Backman join the podcast.

Bob and I review the ESPN 30-for-30 Documentary about Darryl Strawberry and Doc Gooden. Hear Bob talk about his experience covering those late-eighties Mets teams, where things went wrong for the duo and whether the Mets could have prevented their demise.

Jim “Mojo” Morrison of the Charlotte Knights joins the podcast as a guest contributor. Mojo is part of the Knights’ game day operations and had an opportunity to talk to Las Vegas 51s skipper Wally Backman during this year’s Triple-A All-Star Game.

Hear Wally give his thoughts on Michael Conforto, some of the Mets top prospects and whether Josh Edgin can help the Mets bullpen.

Finally, hear me tell you why Jacob deGrom is the Mets starter I would always hand the ball to in a big spot. I also debunk this narrative that the Mets are “decimated by injuries” being thrown around by the fan base.

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