Mets Happy Holidays

Yes, even us die-hards take a break from the everyday rigors of writing about those not-always so Amazin’ Mets. Why some of us even like to poke some fun and use humor as a way to ease the pain a little. A few such bloggers did just that and are worthy of mention on this frigid eve before Christmas.

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Alderson Gives the Gift of Hope

Those guys at the Real Dirty Mets are up to their dirty tricks again, this time they’re spreading some cheer about Sandy Alderson leaving the “Gift of Hope” under our Christmas tree this Winter – big red bow and all… One catch, you can’t open it until Xmas of 2014…

This year, the Mets, like in past years, are not going to provide a free agent present for the fans.  On the contrary.  The Alderson and the Mets actually took a present away-if you believe some writers.

It you didn’t know better, it would be like Alderson turned into the Grinch and stole a piece of Christmas away from all of us in the Dickey trade.  Sent a Cy Young Award Winner away and left us coal in our stocking and burned down the tree as he went up the chimney.

But as a Met fan, I believe that what Alderson has done this Off Season has been more, much more, than signing some free agent who is close to being over the hill.

Let the GM from across town do that job. No.  What Sandy Alderson did for the Fans is that he gave us all Hope.

What’s that saying that Mr. Cerrone always tells us about hope? Something about it not being a strategy or something… But then again, if one can’t hope at this time of the year, then when?

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Top Ten 2013 Mets Marketing Slogans

Have you discovered the joys of following our friends from 2 Guys Talking Mets yet?

10. We Have the 2013 All Star Game — And Nothing Else

9. Outfielders? Outfielders?! We Don’t Need No Stinking Outfielders!

8. If You Don’t Like What You See, Lower Your Expectations

7. It’s Still Omar’s Fault

6. Buy a Ticket or We Are Bringing Back Mike Nickeas — This Is Not an Idle Threat

You’ll have to click here to check out the top five… You won’t want to miss the video for No. 1… If they had asked me for a slogan, I probably would have gone with something like, Still Punting After All These Years. Ain’t I a stinker?

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Finally, I’ll leave you with this wonderful adaptation of that classic yuletide poem, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. It was written and sent to me by David Groveman of Mets360. This is pretty freaking awesome on it’s own, but I’d suggest a mug of hot chocolate, with a candy cane to stir it, for maximum effect…

How the Mets Saved Christmas

It was winter in Flushing,

And all through the land,

The fans were bemoaning,

The lack of a plan,

We had jettisoned Jason,

Who sank in the Bay,

We had snuggled up Wright,

And convinced him to stay,

We had talked to Saint Dickey,

And we begged him, Don’t Go!

But we’d spent all our money,

On Ponzi themed mistle-toe,

So we sent jolly Sandy Clause,

Reindeer and all,

To ask all around him,

And to land us a haul,

But the teams had no interest,

And the prospects looked grim,

With Myers to Tampa,

Our hopes they looked slim,

When up on the roof-top,

Who could it be?

Our good old friend Sandy Clause,

With prospects you see.

He’d wrapped up a Thole,

And bundled Saint Dick,

Then sent them up North,

It took only a tick.

Then from out of the chimney,

What gifts did arrive?

Some D’Arnaud called Travis,

And a Gaard who was Snyde,

With prospects a plenty,

And cheer in good store,

The Mets were rebuilding,

Like in days of yore,

Then something more happened,

We all hoped it would,

We got Collin Cowgill,

Which was hopefully good,

Now all the dear Met fans,

Can sleep sound and sleep tight,

Happy Holidays All!

Happy Holidays