david wright

An MMO Fan Shot by Brendan Birth

I know I am not unique among Mets fans for my love of David Wright, my view of him as one of the few bright spots on the team during the dark days of the cash-strapped Wilpon ownership, my admiration for his loyalty to the Mets during that forgettable period, and my respect for how he has worn the Mets uniform with such pride and class. A great leader and all-around good guy.

Yet, here I am, while wearing my David Wright shirt, saying that I want him to retire because I love David Wright.

And the reason for my wanting this goes well beyond baseball. I say this even though I know he is becoming a liability to the team, with his bat and his glove.

I want him to retire so that he can protect his own body and his own health. His body is telling him he can’t handle the rigors of baseball anymore. From a concussion to a stress fracture, from a shoulder injury to (most devastatingly) spinal stenosis, and now a herniated disc in his neck, it’s all becoming abundantly clear.

If he is really hungry to play baseball, he could theoretically try to grind out a few more years of playing. But if he does that, I fear for his ending up crippled for the rest of his life more than I fear his potentially problematic glove and/or ineffective bat.

It seems like a bit of a ridiculous fear from the perspective of Mets fans who just want their captain to be on the field, leading his players, and being productive. But I would actually argue that in addition to his not being on the field or being productive, his ability to lead players would probably be enhanced by ending his playing career.

david wright

Think about it—right now, he is probably splitting his time and days between being in Queens and getting treatment who-knows-where. If he instead retires and takes on an advisory role for the club, an ambassador for the club, or even a coach of some sort, he can just dedicate his time to being with the players in Queens (or in Las Vegas, Binghamton, Port St. Lucie, or some other place within the Mets organization). This is just one more reason for Wright to retire. We know he loves the team and the game and he can serve in a myriad of roles and still stay close to the Mets.

My other argument to Mets fans who want their captain on the field is that all of us, as fans, should look beyond baseball and instead look at what is best for Wright and his family.

Is it really best for his family if Wright tries to play several more years, end up with even more physical problems, and potentially let those physical problems prevent him from being the best husband (and potentially father) he can be? Of course not! This is further reason I want him to retire because I love him.

I think it’s important for all Mets fans, and Wright himself, to think about whether playing baseball is best for David Wright the person and David Wright the body. I hope he is honest with himself and not feel some sort of obligation to come back because of some sense that he owes it to the team or the fans.

David Wright owes us nothing. He has given us everything he has and then some. He will always be remembered as one of the greatest players in Mets franchise history. He has done all of us proud. I love David Wright, and that’s why I want him to retire. Go out on top, Captain.

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This MMO Fan Shot was written by MMO reader Brendan BirthHave something you want to say about the Mets? Share your opinions with over 30,000 Met fans who read this site daily. Send your Fan Shot to [email protected]. Or ask us about becoming a regular contributor.

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