When Jason Bay was pulled out of the game in the ninth inning last night and replaced by hot-shot rookie Jordany Valdespin, it may have been a turning point as far as the state of the Mets left field position was concerned.

Bay said all the right things after the game when asked to comment about Valdespin’s three-run blast into the DC sky, but you know deep down inside he could  feel the earth shaking beneath him.

‘Spin circled those bases like a gladiator rounding the Colosseum to the roar of the crowd with his victim lying dead on the dusty, blood-soaked ground.

He hasn’t won anything, but Valdespin acts like a champion. He has no gaudy achievements, but he is fearless. In fact, he’s exactly what this team needs right now.

Valdespin may have take a while to settle in, but the 24-year old infielder/outfielder has been improving and making great strides.

Valdespin is the antithesis to Jason Bay right now. He has an enormous amount of energy and a never-ending supply of pizzazz that hasn’t been seen in these parts since Jose Reyes left for the shores of South Beach.

It’s too early to tell exactly what we have in ‘Spin, but all I know is that I want to see more. He’s like a great book that I don’t want to put down… I just want to keep reading more and run through each chapter page by page…

Whenever  I see Jason Bay, I feel uninspired and defeated. It feels old… It feels so worn out…

Whenever I see Jordany Valdespin, it’s the exact opposite. My eyes are fixed on him and I feel like something exciting is about to happen.

Watching Bay reminds me of a tired old past, while watching Spin is like sipping from the fountain of youth and it feels so energizing and I feel so alive.

I don’t feel like waiting another day for Bay to return to form. It’s been over two and a half years and most of it has been agonizingly painful to watch.

It’s time to move into the future.