Author: Matt Balasis

Money Alone Won’t Buy Us Wins…

Money can buy you a lot of stuff but they say money can’t buy the really important things like love and happiness. Still it’s nice to think about what you might do if you had unlimited cash reserves. I would get my dog his own live-in dog groomer for instance … tired of him stinking up my furniture … in fact I’m tired of him even looking at my furniture. It’s just as well though, if I had a ton...

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Puppets, Puppeteers and Pedagogy, Why Managers Matter

Pedagogy: the method and practice of teaching. From the Greek “ped” (child) and “agogi” (a place where you undergo a test or “trial by suffering” that you learn from – as in “agony”). We all teach and we all learn throughout our lives. Some of us are better at it than others. There is a misconception in many circles that teaching (and learning) are exclusive to academic settings, and...

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The Importance Of Securing An Elite Catcher

Scarcity: the state of being scarce or in short supply. Scarcity is when you don’t have enough of something you really need, like clean socks and pomegranates – there never seem to be enough pomegranates around when you need them. Pomegranates are a damned delicious fruit … especially if you don’t mind seeds stuck in your teeth. Anyway, if you are like me and you have just won your MMO Fantasy...

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In “Defense” Of Fan Generated Statistics

Scouts don’t have it easy. They have to sort through thousands of pages of stats and hundreds of prospect profiles every year trying to somehow find the next great talent, picking the ones that maybe have a chance along the road. A road that consists of b-list cities and cut-rate motels. They look for shortcuts, perhaps rely on radar guns too much, recycle existing scouting reports without...

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Featured Post: It’s Your Move Sandy

The other night Gary Cohen mentioned that the Mets currently have the highest winning percentage across their minor league affiliates in all of professional baseball. At some point the hope is it will all translate to the major league level, however, those of us who’ve studied this game for any length of time know that championship teams don’t come pre-assembled off a minor league conveyor...

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