tim teufel yoenis cespedes

Today I have an early edition of the podcast. James Flippin of WOR Radio joins me. James is the producer for the Mets pre and postgame show as well as the Sports Zone.

The Mets’ 2016 season has turned into a mini-disaster. Is this the most disappointing season in team history? Let’s take a closer look as I break it down to a  pre and post 1986 examination.

Why is the media defending Terry Collins? You all know my position on Collins and why I want him fired. What will change in 2017 with Collins at the helm? Are you ready to bet that a healthy Mets team will be fully prepared and managed properly for another run?

Finally, Yoenis Cespedes is being asked to “carry” the Mets the rest of the way. Even if he does will he return next season? A long-term commitment to Cespedes has ramifications for the future. Assuming Jay Bruce is back for another year where does that leave Michael Conforto? Another year at Triple-A? Trade bait? This is a tricky situation for a player the Mets almost can’t let walk.

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