Pitchers and catchers will report in approximately seven weeks and there is still much work that needs to be done. The addition of K-Rod and set-up man J.J. Putz is a huge upgrade. However, everyone is well aware of the fact that we still need a deeper pen, at least a couple of starters and some outfield depth. But there is one thing that has been downplayed. We have a good team that is bordering on being a great team but I feel that one ingredient we are missing is a team leader.

The core of this team is solid. Very solid. I’ll match up our 5 best players against any 5 players from any other team and be happy with the results. It’s difficult to find another club that can match the firepower of Wright, Reyes & Beltran, the pitching domination of Santana and a closer like K-Rod. But we are missing that “confidence.” One word that was tossed around a lot late in the season is ‘swagger.’ I didn’t see that very often and as of now, don’t expect to see it in 09.

The successful Mets team of the past always had that leader. In 69, we had the quiet confidence exuded by Tom Seaver and Gil Hodges. In 73, Tug McGraw shouted ‘Ya Gotta Believe.’ The Mets did start to believe. The fans started to believe. But the key was that Tug backed up his words with actions. In 86? Well, take your choice. Keith, Gary, Darryl and Ray Knight had enough swagger, confidence and downright arrogance to go around. The difference is these past teams claimed to be the best. They knew they were the best. And then went out to prove it. It seems like the Mets of today are great with pre-game quotes and post-game interviews. It’s the 3 hours in between, on the field, where the confidence is lacking.

What makes it so frustrating to a lifelong Mets fan is this simple fact: We have done far more with much less. When one compares the top 4 hitters from 69 and 86 to 2008, the differences are remarkable. The 08 Mets overall have far better numbers than our past championship teams.

1969 Mets:        AVG HR RBI SLG

Cleon Jones       340 12 75 482

Tommie Agee       271 26 76 464

Donn Clendenon    246 16 51 425

Ron Swoboda       235 9  52 361

1986 Mets:        AVG HR RBI SLG

Keith Hernandez   310 13 83  446

Gary Carter       255 24 105 439

Darryl Strawberry 259 27 93  507

Ray Knight        298 11 76  424

2008 Mets         AVG HR RBI SLG

David Wright      302 33 124 534

Carlos Beltran    284 27 112 500

Carlos Delgado    271 38 115 518

Jose Reyes        297 16 68  475

This proves the old cliché that Baseball is played on grass, not paper. Gary Carter led the 86 Mets with 105 RBI’s. On the 08 team, he’d be 4th in that category. Our big HR threat in 86 was Darryl. But yet, his 27 round trippers would put him tied for 3rd in 08. In 69, Donn Clendenon was regarded as the Mets big power hitter. But yet, his 16 dingers that year matched Jose Reyes, our lead-off hitter!

There is clearly something the other teams had that this team lacks.

Successful Mets teams in the past had that confidence, that swagger. If we fell behind by 5 runs early, there was no fear. We knew we’d win. It was not a matter of IF, but just a matter of HOW. Nowadays, if we jump out to an early lead, we hope we can hold on. And the moment the other team starts chipping away, the fans start getting restless and the players seem to expect the worst.

Granted, our new closer recently stated that the Mets are the best team in the NL. I’ve heard that before. Last spring, Carlos Beltran stated ‘We are the team to beat.’ And the Mets did get beat. The snippets are powerful and the quotes are great fodder for the NY media. But it would be nice to back up what we say. We need someone to step up and not just to the microphone.