Now that we’ve pushed football and soon basketball and hockey off the the page, it’s time to bring on the real game of New York; the Mets and Yankees.

Yes, the Mets and Yankees are playing baseball again. Both teams have had a winter of discontent, but now as the weather turns and folks are flocking to Tampa and Port St. Lucie to see the guys, I know it’s Spring.

Take the stage, Sandy and Terry – this is your time – for the whole season.

We are counting on you to have done your homework, albeit very quietly and business-like with very little publicity.

The Mets got lucky with the two of you – qualified, and very professional baseball men who have spent the winter putting the Mets pieces back together.

We are all looking forward to the next six weeks before the real show begins, but boy do we love dress rehearsal. It’s like being backstage in the theatre.

We see all our old buddies and welcome the newcomers, who all vow to play better or work better.

It’s exciting to see how Sandy and Terry are going to run the place in Port St. Lucie, but so far so good.

So, get ready everyone – and let’s Play Ball.

I can’t wait.

Has anyone seen Omar?