One of the things I love about Twitter is how it can spontaneously erupt into a great debate and then lead into other things where you get even more insights and come away smarter than you were before you logged on.

My post about MetsBlog’s poll results this morning, generated an enormous response from fans and mainstream media alike. However, that’s not what this post is about. During one of my Twitter exchanges I tossed this into the fray:

It would be disingenuous of me not to mention that it was our MMO Minor League Analyst Mitch Petanick, who put that thought into my head during a phone conversation.

What I liked and found interesting was the reply I got back from noted scouting guru Mike Newman, who said:

That is high praise for Kevin Plawecki who came so close to being named our MMO Minor League Player of the Week on Wednesday, but was featured prominently on our Hot List yesterday.

Mike has launched a new site dedicated totally to prospects and scouting and I would suggest you add to your bookmarks and favorites.

Plawecki is off to a blazing start in Savannah posting a .444/.704/1.204 slash with a home run, four doubles, seven ribbies five runs scored. That’s quite a debut as he makes the jump from Short Season Brooklyn.

Our other MMO Minor League Analyst, Teddy Klein, saw plenty of Plawecki while working for the Brooklyn Cyclones and loved the makeup of the Mets’ 2012 supplemental first-round pick who he says possesses an amazing eye at the plate (25 BB to 24 K) combined with emerging power.

Mitch did an extensive analysis on Plawecki a couple of months back and had the following to say:

His swing is actually very compact, and he gets his hands through the hitting zone very quickly when he keeps them close to his body. He has a very level swing, which will lead to a ton of line drives, but it does not generate a ton of backspin on the ball when contact is made, which is why he won’t be a big home run threat. However, he does have solid gap-to-gap power.

A defensive catcher with 20-25 home run power and a solid average was what Alderson and DePodesta called Plawecki when they selected him.

There’s nothing wrong with that.