Right before the weekend while I was driving home from work, I heard an interesting exchange between some agitated Mets fans who were calling in to Mike Francesa on WFAN to complain about his obvious bias against the Mets.

The source of their rage stemmed from several comments Francesa made in which he stated that the Yankees pitching staff was vastly superior to the Mets, and that the Mets rotation after Santana had nobody capable of winning 15 games.

Wow… How I wish I could have pulled over, parked my car and laid to him myself. Unfortunately, I didn’t have an hour to wait on hold and his show was already winding down.

I got a chance to hear a few regular callers and huge Mets fans like Alex and Ira call in to give Mike an earful, but as usual “his excellency” spoke over them, denied he was biased, and then cut them off.

Luckily, his divine powers are useless on this site, so let me give him my two cents with added benefit of not being cutoff, and please… I hope you all weigh in and add your own points to my argument.

First of all, what really pisses me off the most is how he puts Joba Chamberlain above everyone on the Mets save Santana. Joba has a total of 12 starts in his career and only 4 career wins as a starter. Is Francesa on crack? Maine and Perez have already established themselves as 15 games winners in 2007 and with a a better bullpen, Perez could have won 15 games last season as well as would have Maine had he not gotten injured. 

He simply brushes John Maine off for the season because he is coming back from major surgery as he said. Maine did not have major surgery and there was nothing reconstructive about it. He simply had a bone spur shaved, that’s it. When Ira called to tell him this, his defense was “If you’re not a doctor don’t tell me it wasn’t major surgery.”

When another caller said that Wang was coming back from a much more serious injury, he said “Wang is Wang, and he’ll be a force this season.”

I just wanted to reach into my stereo and wrap my fingers around his neck and strangle the guy… He is such a freaking arrogant ass…

Right now, I would take Mike Pelfrey over Joba 99 times out of 100.

He gives all the Yankees starters the benefit of the doubt, but is so unwilling to do the same for the Mets.

I believe that there is so much more that can go wrong for the Yankees rotation this season, than for the Mets.

Who knows if Burnett won’t be the next Carl Pavano? Or if Sabathia’s extra pounds won’t start putting wear on his knees as was the case with Sid Fernandez. Joba will be nursed along all year long and may not pitch more than six innings at any time. Who knows what Wang will do and how effective he can be? Pettitte wouldn’t even crack the Mets rotation.

Why doesn’t he just shut his trap? Why can’t any of his callers get a word in edge wise whenever they have a different point of view?

As much as I hate the guy, he’s got his damn hooks into me, and I just keep tuning in even though I know fully well that he’ll just piss me off again.

I don’t know where I’m going with this post, I actually started writing it on Friday and never finished it. Maybe some of you can help me finish it…

I guess I’m just tired of hearing him incessantly knocking the Mets rotation while he glorifies the Yankees.  And no matter what he says, I just don’t see the Yankees rotation being any better than the Mets right now.