It comes as no surprise that the New York Mets have gone on record as saying they will not be releasing Jason Bay prior to the 2013 season. With the amount of money that is invested in Jason Bay, it is better to hang on to him and see if he can turn it around, instead of getting nothing in return for the investment. In the business world, these are considered sunk costs – costs that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered. The amount paid should not affect any decision making in the future.

The Mets have determined that Bay’s contract is a sunk cost. Many Mets fans will be outraged with the recent news that Bay will be on the 2013 roster. Bay, on the other hand, has one more year to prove that he isn’t the biggest bust in New York Mets history. Bay has to take advantage of this situation, and start mending his relationship with the fans right now.

The first thing Bay should do, after hearing the recent news, is sign up to play Winter Ball. He has to make an attempt to get to the root of his offensive problems, because his collapse has been inexplicable. Winter ball would be the first step in showing the fans that he is serious about getting back on track. It will show the fan base that he still has some pride in his work. If he waits until Spring Training to try and work out his issues, it’s likely he will have the same results as he had in 2011 & 2012. He has to work out the issues before he gets to Spring Training, and the best way to do that, is by playing Winter Ball.

2013 may also be the last chance Bay has to prove to the other teams in the MLB that he is worth signing in 2014. It’s his last chance to prove to himself that he is a major league ball player. It’s difficult to see an athlete fall from grace the way Bay has these past few years. His relationship with the Mets fans may be too far gone to repair at this point, but a decent showing in 2013 would definitely be a step in the right direction. It ultimately falls on Jason Bay to repair that relationship with the fans. Hopefully, when it’s all said and done, the Mets fans will have a reason to embrace him once again.