Though to most baseball fans the season has just begun, to many Mets fans it was over before it started.

The Mets were welcomed at the beginning of the season by five fans covering their faces in shame with brown paper bags and chanting “sell the Mets.”

After being sued for $1 Billion by Bernie Madoff victims, the Mets franchise is now left with a brand new, state of the art stadium that is home to falling ticket sales and a financially broke team.

In order to cope with these economic woes, this article is calling upon Mets fans, players and staff to help the team conserve what little cash they have left.

Mets fans are asked that if a foul ball is hit into the stands, please throw it back onto the field so the ball can be reused. When one is purchasing a beverage please ask for a little ice. Limit the amounts of squirts out of the ketchup and mustard dispensers to one squirt each and return unused utensils back to their original place.

Mets players are asked to share batting helmets, gloves and bats. Also, the Mets should issue reversible jerseys for home and away; this will cut expenses in cotton, a commodity that has recently risen drastically in price.

The Mets staff can pitch in as well. Player’s jerseys should be washed every other game, cutting back on the team’s laundry bill.

The Mets staff has the opportunity to not only cut costs but increase revenue as well. All the used bottles should be collected after the game and deposited for a 5-cent refund.

If the Mets community works together to cut costs maybe the community can save the Mets and make sure they come back next year with a winning team.

Lets Go METS!!!

This Fan Post was contributed by and written by Kevin Milgraum.