Dear Ike,

It’s me Joe D. just checking in with you to see how things are coming along. I hope you’re still not mad at me because I suggested you go to the minor leagues to recharge your batteries almost a month ago. I was only saying it in the best interest of what was right for this team and mostly for your benefit. Now it’s been three more weeks and you are still batting .160 and even those who thought I was being too harsh and too hasty, have since come around and joined the chorus.

It’s not because we hate you, it’s because we know that you can work on some things which are almost impossible to do while toughing it out here at the majors. Plus, you’re not really helping the team tight now and we know you’re very big on that whole team concept thing.

I bet your stay wouldn’t last long longer than two weeks tops. And that when you do come back you’ll be the same Ike Davis that used to put that powerful charge into the middle of the Mets lineup. That’s the Ike Davis we all know and love. Pure Chaos as you called it.

So, if Terry Collins calls you into the office on Monday morning and tells you to go pack your bags and to go buy yourself a wool hat and scarf set at Walmart, don’t go and blow a gasket.

Instead, just take it like a man. Head up to Buffalo and help the Bisons win some ballgames, and while you’re there, try and find your long-lost awesomeness. Make sure you pay close attention to what Wally Backman tells you. Wally’s seen plenty of players struggle through prolonged slumps before and he has worked wonders with them. Just ask Vinny Rottino, Fred Lewis, Zach Lutz and Bobby Scales. Oops never mind about Scales, I just recalled he got a boatload full of yen to go play in Japan.

Anyway, you get the picture.


A Concerned Mets Fan

Okay, let me shift into serious mode.

When I first proposed that Davis be sent to the minors, I was bombarded with those worn out excuses that “it’s only April” and “small sample sizes”. I guess it’s safe to go into the water now because everybody seems to be wading in to join me now – I think I can see Matt and Eric over there by the girl in the blue and orange bikini.

It’s just too bad we didn’t do it back in April so instead of sill having Ike here and still batting .160, he would have already gotten recharged and be back helping the team already.

I can never understand why so many refuse to believe what their eyes tell them. Davis has looked like Paul Bunyan at the plate since spring training and nothing at all like the player that thrilled us a year ago. Why did anyone think he’d fix himself looking the way he did was beyond me. But hey, the important thing is that most of you have caught up and see the need for him to spend some quality time with Wally.

Collins says “there’s nothing etched in stone”, but even he can’t be foolish enough not to see how Ike Davis is hurting the team. For crying out loud he pinch hit Scott Hairston for him last night… wake up and smell java juice.

But still there’s been no official announcement… unbelievable… Maybe they are waiting until they possess last place all by themselves which could happen as soon as tonight. Ugh… Where’s the foresight on this team? Why is everything so damned reactive instead of proactive?

Hey, I’m feeling a little better and I hope all of you are doing good yourselves. Have a great day.