david wright

With his single in the top of the first on Saturday off of the Reds Johnny Cueto, third baseman David Wright reached 1,700 base hits in his MLB career. The Captain will be entering his age 32 season in 2015 and with just 1,300 hits left until the magical 3,000 number, the question is can Wright get there?

Let’s say he collects only 10 more hits over the remaining 20 games of the season, that will leave him 1,290 hits away with just 152 hits on the season.

While it’s safe to say this has been the most disappointing season of Wright’s career, I chalk it up to him being hurt and I expect him to produce at a much higher level than what we’ve seen this year going forward, although I think we all know that the David Wright of 2006-2008 is a thing of the past.

Performing at his 2014 level (about 152 hits per year), it will take Wright roughly 8.5 seasons to get to the 3,000 hit mark or about midway through his 2023 season. He will be 40 years old by then. I certainly expect his production to tail off as he becomes a graybeard, but I also expect him to pick up the pace above the 152 hits/season before then as well.

His current contract with the Mets runs through the 2020 season. By then he’ll have 3,000 hits in sight. Hopefully the Mets will have been to the playoffs several times and we can raise another World Series banner.

It would be great for the franchise to finally have a player collect 3,000 hits as a lifelong member of the Mets. 1,700 hits down. 1,300 hits to go.

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