I thought that the start of Spring Training would be just what Mets fans needed – that hearing the sounds of gloves popping and bats cracking would get all of us back to talking about Mets baseball.

Finally, I thought, we could stop talking about Madoff and start talking about who will fill the last two spots in the rotation or win the second base competition. I guess I was just being naive.

Like Al Pacino said in the Godfather Part 3, “Just when I though I was out, they dragged me back in.” By they, of course, I am referring to the relentless media.

It seems as though a lot of people had a big problem with Jeff Wilpon showing up to Port St. Lucie yesterday, and Fred Wilpon arriving to join his son today.

I unequivocally disagree with that notion and I don’t see why they or any baseball team owner shouldn’t be allowed the luxury of seeing their team whenever they want, and especially being there for the opening of Spring Training.

I have no doubt that if the Wilpons decided instead not to make the trek to Digital Domain Park, the vultures would have lined up to tell us that it was some sort of admission of guilt.

The last time I checked, the Wilpons were not charged with anything and even if they were, they should be afforded the same presumption of innocence all Americans are entitled too.

The Internet has made it incredibly easy to paint anyone we want in a very bad light, and unlike the pre-Twitter days, taking responsibility for what a journalist writes these days, is now a thing of the past. Integrity in journalism is at an all-time low.

Punch lines have replaced story lines, and fiction has replaced fact. It’s amazing how much joy can be gleaned from the misfortune of others these days.

We don’t censor opinions on Mets Merized Online – we never have and we never will. But I disagree with many of my colleagues on whether it was a bad idea for Fred and Jeff Wilpon to come to Mets camp this week.

If nothing else, their presence will keep the gossip seekers from asking the players about finances instead of fastballs and Ponzi schemes instead of pre-game rituals. Now they can satisfy their thirst for fresh meat by asking those types of questions from the two people who are best qualified to answer them.

Jeff Wilpon seemed confident yesterday, that in the end his family will prevail. I feel the same way.