Prior to Thursday night’s 7-5 win over the Marlins, several Mets including R.A. Dickey, Lucas Duda, Chris Capuano, Nick Evans, Dillon Gee, Mike Nickeas and Bobby Parnell met with families who were affected by the 9/11 attacks through the Tuesday’s Children organization. Families got to speak with players, get a signed baseball or two and take some pictures with their favorite Mets.

Tuesday’s children started shortly after the 9/11 attacks and has been going to meet Mets ballplayers every summer since 2002. It is a program that allows families and children to cope with their losses and are with them through college and aid them into the job market. Everyone attending the Meet and Greet had lost someone on September 11th.

Several of the Mets in attendance shared their thoughts on the Tuesday’s Children Meet and Greet:

Any time we can come in here and put a smile on a kid’s face and give them a good time its always worthwhile. -Dillon Gee

Its a wonderful event, anytime we can come in here and help them out and meet some of these awesome people, obviously what they went through was a lot and anything we can do to help and make them feel good, it’s nice to be a part of it.- Mike Nickeas

It is good to get out there with these kids and show them that we’re thinking about them, so any chance we get to come in here and hang out with them, we like to do that. – Bobby Parnell

One man who came to the event commented on the event saying:

It’s a great event, especially for the young kids and the families that are affected by the tragedy of September 11th, and it’s something they’ll probably remember for the rest of their lives. They’re doing a good thing here.

To find out more about Tuesday’s Children, you can check out their website at or follow them on Twitter @TuesdaysChldrn