There’s not much to be happy about this post season, especially where Mets fans are concerned. We have had to endure a World Series that was the culmination of our worst nightmares. No other matchup could have been worse for us than the one that is currently playing out in Citizens Bank Park.

The grizzly matchup between the Yankees and Phillies has even spawned hundreds of Mets blogs advocating who we should root for as if rotting for either of those teams was going to derive even a tiny bit of pleasure. There is no pleasure to be garnered from this series. None, zero, zilch. I’ve grown fatigued with all of the “who you should root for” blogs, and I’m sure you have too.

But with that said, maybe the best thing we can hope for right now is for the Yankees to end this World Series tonight with a win in Philly, and finally put an end this God forsaken torture.

All of you know how much I hate the effin Yankees. Just the thought of seeing them get another World Series ring is such a repulsive and reprehensible moment.

However, there is may be a microscopic particle of joy to be gleaned from a potential Yankees win tonight against the Phillies’ Cliff Lee. I’ll warn you that it’s not much, but it might just be the only solace we can take from this demoralizing no-win situation.

Here are my three reasons why I hope the World Series ends tonight…

1. The Yankees will be deprived of a hometown celebration in their brand new museum stadium. Imagine not having to see 50,000 raucous Yankee fans celebrating with their triumphant music blaring through the $2.5 million dollar high definition sound system. It would be a tiny victory for Mets fans, and a comforting feeling as well, to deprive them of Frank Sinatra singing their victory song while A-Rod and Teixeira run around the field giving high-fives to their arrogant and obnoxious fans. Just the thought of that scene makes me want to puke. We don’t need to have those moments captured on video and preserved forever. (Remember Wade Boggs on horseback?) It’s better for us that this nightmare ends in Philly. Also knowing how classless Philly fans are, we can count on them to litter the field with half-eaten hot dogs and cheese steaks, and maybe one of them plops Derek Jeter in the face. It would be a classic youtube moment that will live forever on Mets blogs everywhere.

2. With a Yankees win tonight, it would clearly put the dagger through the hearts of all the Phillies players and their fans too. To see the Phillies lose three straight games at home would be a devastating blow to their psyche, and knock them clear off their high horse. It will take the wind out of their National League bragging rights. Watching the enemy celebrate in their park would give us some satisfaction (just pretend it’s not the Yankees celebrating). Watching Jimmy Rollins whimper through his excuse as to why the Phillies didn’t win in five games as he predicted, would be a heartfelt moment for Mets fans too. We may even get to see Shane Victorino tear up and bawl, which would definitely bring a smile to many a Mets fan’s face.

3. The best part of a Yankee win tonight is simple. It will finally end this season once and for all and we can all move on toward a better tomorrow. Why let this torture drag on one moment longer than it has to?

So tonight, don’t root for anybody, just root against the Phillies. If everything goes right, tomorrow will be the official start of the Hot Stove season.