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The Mets are now 55 games in so it’s time to take a look at where the team is at with a third of the season in the books.

I give my grades and talk about how the team has fared so far this season. Despite the struggles, the Mets are in a good place, do you agree? It’s not about whether they will make the playoffs, it’s about whether they can win the division.

Russ Langer, the voice of the Las Vegas 51s, provides an update about top prospects Brandon Nimmo, Gavin Cecchini and Rafael Montero. He also throws in a couple of sleepers the fans should keep an eye on. It was also interesting to hear what he has to say about Wally Backman and Frank Viola.

Danny Knobler of ESPN and Bleacher Report rounds out the program talking about the proposed changes to the strike zone and how the art of tanking has benefited the contenders in the National League.

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