I just had to share this article with you after I read it this morning. Kristie Ackert over at the Daily News really made me laugh with the opening paragraph to her column today.

Too bad there isn’t time to change the Paul Lo Duca bobble head doll that will be given away today at Shea. If there were, the miniature version of the Mets’ hot-headed catcher could not only come with a removable mask, but also tossable accessories such as a chest protector, helmet, shin guards, elbow protector and batting gloves.

That’s priceless…

I think it might be time to admit it. First we heard it’s only April. Then we heard it’s only May. Today we hear it’s only June. For crying out loud can we finally admit that Carlos Delgado is a bust this season!

Hey Carlos, it’s bad enough you’re not hitting, now you can’t field either?

Oh yeah, before I forget, Happy Birthday Carlos…

One last thing, before the game starts…

The Mets need to sweep the A’s for more than just the sake of another victory. They need to sweep so that they can prove to themselves that they can beat a playoff team. They need to sweep because they need to prove to the Phillies and Braves that they are still a force to be reckoned with. But mostly, they need to sweep the A’s to prove that the last 3 weeks of losing is definitely behind them.

So far, the Mets’ one and two starters have done the job. Today I believe John Maine will seal the deal.

Let’s Go Mets!