bobby ojeda

In an exclusive interview with Andy Martino of the Daily News, Bobby Ojeda said he did not want to delve into specifics over the breakdown in negotiations with SNY, but did add that his sharp opinions on the Mets were never an issue.

“I really couldn’t have been more disappointed,” Ojeda said. “I just loved what I’ve been doing for the past six years. I’ve just had a ball. It has been the quickest six years of my life. It has been great.”

News of Bob Ojeda’s departure from SNY last Thursday left Mets fans stunned and disappointed, writes Martino, a natural reaction, given Ojeda’s passion, preparation and candor as a studio analyst over the past six years.

However, Ojeda was not as soft spoken when asked about ownership and the front office. Asked if he thought the Mets could win under their current ownership, he responded:

“The Wilpons and Mr. Saul Katz — the people who say they don’t care about the team are sorely misguided. These are the biggest Mets fans you will meet.”

“Last I checked, Fred is not the general manager. Last I checked, Jeff is not the general manager. Last I checked, Saul is not the general manager. So the people they’ve put in those positions are the ones who have failed, and what have they done? They have tried to make changes, bring in the right people.”

“I do believe that it’s the guys on the field. If the guys pull together and rack up the W’s, that’s what it’s all about. So many times, it’s not the greatest team on paper (that wins). There are so many ingredients that go into creating a winning atmosphere. I think there is some work to be done on that winning atmosphere. I really do. And I think if those things are addressed in spring training, they’ll be on their way.

Ojeda takes issue with all the playoffs talk when they’ve yet to put together a winning season.

“But if the message is the same, that will be detrimental. Because the message is all this positiveness. The reality is six years under .500.”

“They need to calm down with the contender, postseason — ‘we’ve got eight guys that are going to win 20 games,’ and blah blah blah. We’ve got to calm down now. Just let the optimism build in the Mets fans, and don’t overextend your reach at this point. Just play the games, and see what happens.”

Ojeda went onto say that most Mets fans are in the know and very intelligent, and that they can see what’s going on. He suggests that the team stop blowing smoke and start playing some winning baseball on the field and not in soundbites.
