Updated @ 9:00 2/24: Hey, it’s Kelly, your one and only official MMO graphic designer. Just wanted to add that I created a graphic for the league. Enjoy and good luck to all!

Updated @ 7:30, 2/24:  Great turnout!  And I was worried about filling up twelve spots. I expanded the league to the maximum allowed, 20 teams. That would be the deepest league I’ve ever been a part of. I’m already stoked. And remember, it’s not limited at all. You don’t know have to know anything about sabermetrics to play.

Original Post 2/23 10:00 PM

A particular and regular poster to MMO gave me an idea not too long ago and I wrestled with it for a week or so. But I saw no reason not to, so I created a custom fantasy baseball league using whatever sabermetric-themed scoring categories Yahoo offered. There wasn’t a whole lot, but I have a pretty decent 5×5 league set for 12 teams, but that could easily change. I invite you, the MMO Universe, to join and play some saber fantasy baseball.

Instead of the usual offensive fantasy categories BA, runs scored, RBI, HR and SB, I chose hits, home runs, OBP, SLG% and (a new fantasy categoryI thought was fun) SB%. In lieu of Wins, Ks, ERA and saves, I included K/BB, K/9, OBP against and Innings Pitched. WHIP remains. I chose innings pitched to make sure starters remain necessary to win.

It’s first come, first serve for the eleven remaining spots, and I hope they fill up. I hope I have to expand to 14 teams. The league info is as follows:

League ID#: 96253

League Name: MMO Fantasy Baseball

Password: MetsMerized

Custom League URL: https://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/mmo_fantasy_baseball

Or if you prefer, the direct link is: https://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/b1/register/tos?league_id=96253&password=MetsMerized

And for your knowledge, I am a very democratic GM. Anything with the scoring, the setup or any settings can be changed with a majority league vote. I’m not married to anything of the settings I chose, I just had to choose something to register the league. The only thing I ask is you use your MMO handle as your team name so everyone will be recognized.

I’m excited. I hope we have a competitive league.