selig manfred

Let’s clear something up right off the bat. Hitting a woman and firing someone, even if it was in a discriminatory manner, are not on equal playing fields. That being said, we’ve watched as the NFL has squirmed and wiggled around the incident surrounding former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice. They have gotten it wrong multiple times and in the end this could end up costing commissioner Roger Goodell his job.

Turning our attention to baseball, Mets owner Jeff Wilpon was sued earlier this week by Leigh Castergine. The former VP of Ticket Sales said that Wilpon fired her based largely on the fact that she was pregnant and not married. Obviously these are very strong allegations and if they prove to have traction, Major League Baseball can not sit around and do what the National Football League did regarding Rice. The legal process will play itself out but Major League Baseball doesn’t have to sit around and do nothing.

Yesterday, NBC’s Craig Calcaterra pointed out that there is precedent for the league to take action against Wilpon even before the legal process plays itself out. The league dealt with George Steinbrenner twice on matters of the front office, and Reds owner Marge Schott was banned from day-to-day activities for making racially insensitive remarks.

With less than a month before Rob Manfred takes over as commissioner, he has a chance to do what Bud Selig never did. Selig, a personal friend of the Wilpon’s, seemed to protect the family through any issues they were having. Now with Manfred’s arrival, Major League Baseball needs to hold Jeff Wilpon accountable. He no longer has Selig’s protection and unlike the NFL, Manfred should not waver. He should speak to the Wilpon’s and not hide behind due process as Goodell did.

Hitting a woman is not the same as firing someone for reasons that the law deems unlawful. Still, you can see the connection. Both are fundamental issues of what is wrong and what is right. If Wilpon did what he is accused of, then something must be done. This won’t cost the Wilpon’s ownership of the team, but standing up to them now could send them a significant message that there’s a new sheriff in town and that they either shape up or ship out.

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