wilmer flores

According to Joel Sherman of the New York Post, the Commissioners Office and the Players Association are in talks to change the order of batting practice.

As it stands right now, the home team takes BP first, then the visitors. Under this new order, the home team would hit second, with the visitors hitting first.

Major League Baseball is doing this with hopes that if the home team is hitting closer to game time, more hometown fans would show up to the ballpark early.

As Sherman states, this change could definitely create more revenue for MLB. The earlier fans show up to the ballpark, the more money they’re spending at the ballpark, and the more money MLB would be making.

In the case for the players, for 81 of the 162 games they can stay with family a little longer. The later the home team has to be at the stadium, the more time they can spend with family. The away team may not like this, as they would have to spend more time in the visiting clubhouse.

I personally think this would be a great idea for the MLB. I love showing up early to watch BP, however I would prefer to watch the Mets take batting practice rather than the away team. I know plenty of fans who show up for batting practice regardless, however I think even more fans would get to the ballpark early if they can see the home team take their hacks in the cages.

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