Tonight’s show has been delayed to 7:30. It’s still on!

Get ready for a brand new episode of Metsmerized Radio tonight and every Thursday night at our new time of 7:00 PM on Blog Talk Radio…

After a little shuffling, you can look forward to dealing with the new hosts of the Metsmerized Radio project, who are none other than our Minor League Editor Pete Shapiro and myself, Satish Ram, the Jack of All Trades Recap Guy.

All jokes aside, tonight brings about an exciting episode as we wrap up the Mets 2012 season and consider what might be in store this Winter. Pete and I are chomping at the bits in hopes of having a chance to pick this season apart from every possible angle. You can expect to hear some positional analysis, general thoughts on why the first and second half were the tale of two teams, and maybe even what we thought of the organizational philosophies for the season.

Of course, as I have no doubt beaten into your heads by now, the show is NOTHING without the participation of you fans out there. Do not be afraid to drop a few questions here in this comment thread to help fuel the on-air discussion or suggest to us something specific you want to hear about the 2012 season.

When prompted, you are also free to call in at (215) 383-3773 to bring your questions or comments directly to Pete and I on air. I know I can speak for the both of us in saying that we love all forms of audience participation.

Tonight is pretty much the debut of a new format as we continue to evolve, and we would really appreciate your support in this endeavor. With the MMO name attached to this product, Pete and I know the standards we have to live up to, and we are ready to take on the challenge. So I personally invite you, the readers, to join us in our little adventure as we embark on…

MetsMerized Radio – Episode 4!