I had a little fun while watching my Mets this afternoon and came up with some yummy confectionery goodies. So feel free to stock up and indulge your Mets sweet tooth! 

This was the first one I designed and the one that got me on a creative roll. How awesome have our two former first rounders been this season!

This one is dedicated to all the David Wright lovers out there like our friends Bayonne and Golden Boy. Ha ha ha… Just teasing guys! 😉

Showing Mr. Met some love for being such an amazing mascot who never stops believing!

Oh Henry Blanco! I hereby dub you the best backup catcher in baseball!

 Vote Rod Barajas onto the 2010 All Star team for his outstanding performance!

I hope you enjoy these, and let me know if you come up with anymore cool ideas for Mets graphics…

Lets Go Mets!