Dominic Smith‘s status on the Mets has fluctuated dramatically throughout the offseason.

Earlier this winter, Mets general manager Sandy Alderson made his discontent with Smith well known, hinting that he could start next season in Triple-A. Since then, it appears as though Smith’s chances starting at first base spot have improved, since the Mets have been very quiet on the free agent front.

But even if the Mets do sign a veteran like Adrian Gonzalez to play first base, the team should not give up on Smith by any means. Smith was still a top-tier prospect just last season, and at 22-years-old, shows ample potential to be the Mets’ first baseman of the future. This should not be in question.

While Smith’s .198/.262/.395 slash line from last season is far from ideal, he did show several flashes of potential that should leave any observer optimistic about his future. He hit nine home runs in just 49 MLB games, which would put him on pace for about 30 over a full season. He also improved his walk rate, with a 10.3 percent rate over his last 30 games. This is a substantial improvement over the 2.9 percent walk rate he posted in his first 19.

To give up on him after a two month stint in the majors at this age would not be a smart move. Let’s not forget how he tore up Triple-A last season; to the tune of a .330/.386/.519 slash with 16 home runs in 114 games. He is still every bit as worthy of the top-tier prospect distinction he had before he came to the major leagues.

The Mets’ best course of action at first base next season would be to sign an inexpensive first base/outfield type veteran who can compete with Smith, perhaps even start if need be, but can also help the team at a different position. If the team chooses to forego signing someone to play this role, Wilmer Flores would probably be the best in-house option to do this, given his experience at first base. Smith should be given the benefit of the doubt in any competition, so that he gets as many chances as possible to face MLB pitching.

Unless you can get a star in return for him, trading Smith would also not be wise. He might have lost a bit of value since mid-season, but his upside is likely higher than whatever value the Mets could recoup by trading him.

Thankfully, Alderson has backed off of his harsh stance towards Smith he echoed early in the offseason. It seems as though it was more of a challenge for Smith to come into camp healthy with a fire lit under his rear rather than actually not trusting in his abilities at first.

Hopefully this means that Smith will continue to be given chances to succeed at the major league level, something he has the potential to do for a long time.

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