
There is today’s winner for best banner during today’s Mets Banner Day Parade before the game. If I might say so myself, they did a fantastic job and out of the banners the Mets posted on their Twitter account today, I liked this one the best myself.

Here are some of the other images the Mets tweeted or re-tweeted today, and also a few from New York Newsday:

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I loved the message in this particular one. Very cool…

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Looks like David Wright was well represented today. This one was looked great…

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Kevin Burkhardt was one of the judges and he seemed very impressed with this one.

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This was one of the first ones to go before the judges. Kudos for originality.

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When it comes to originality, nobody beats Mets fans!

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I knew there would be a few for John Buck…

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A well-deserved banner for second baseman Daniel Murphy!

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Homegrown stars are always the best!

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We’ll end this on a high note: The future looks bright!