If you watched last night’s game against the Nationals, you may have noticed the K-Cards that a group of fans were hanging as Johan Santana collected his 10 strikeouts.

Well, leave it to the Mets to take the fun out of Citi Field once again. David Lennon of Newsday explains:

Johan Santana’s 10 strikeouts Friday nearly got three graduate students from Syosset kicked out of Citi Field for posting K cards on the leftfield facade.

Santana was up to six by the middle of the third inning when Keith Heller, Ryan Krochak and Larry Ziegelbaum said they were told by security to remove the white signs with Ks made of duct tape because they were blocking an electronic ribbon board. When the trio asked if they could move the signs away from the scoreboard, they said their request was refused and the signs were confiscated by the security officers.

“People were yelling at them [security], telling them they were ruining a tradition,” Ziegelbaum said. “Everyone was supporting it.”


First that stunt they pulled with Dwight Gooden, and now this.

The Mets remind me of my great aunt who used to have her entire living room furniture (sofa, love seat and whatever else was in that room) covered in this weird clear plastic that would stick to your legs in the summer.

We weren’t allowed to eat or drink in that damn living room either, it was like some museum that had to be perfectly preserved.

I feel like the Mets are treating Citi Field in the same exact way as my great aunt treated her living room.

I wonder if the Wilpons cringe if a player spits chewing tobacco on the field, or when they see all the sunflower seed shells that Carlos Delgado leaves all over first base?

Enough already…