New York City mayor Bill de Blasio has privately told Major League Baseball that he will do everything he can to stop Steve Cohen from buying the Mets.

That is what the New York Post is reporting tonight, after learning that the mayor called MLB commissioner Rob Manfred earlier this month and told him outright that he opposed the idea of a hedge-fund billionaire buying a local team and would be using his oversight power of the city’s control of the Citi Field lease to prevent the sale from being finalized.

Wow… Shocking yes, but surprising no, because of course this is the New York Mets we are talking about.

This incredible turn of events is both striking in how it undercuts what was a deeply desirous sale of the team by a long suffering fan base, as well as predictable by a mayor whose legacy will be a string of disastrous decisions that were harmful to the city itself.

In a year, that will go down as one of the worst in a generation, if de Blasio does indeed squash this sale, it will truly be an indelible stain on the history of a beloved Mets franchise.

Apparently, a clause in the Citi Field lease allows the mayor to strike down the deal because the ballpark is technically a city park.

Some officials from City Hall are saying that the mayor is simply doing his due diligence, but a source familiar with the situation says. “The ‘due diligence’ line is bullshit.”

And it is bullshit.

I have no doubt that Steve Cohen, who is expected to be approved by MLB owners as soon as this week,  will sue to keep this from happening.

And there’s no one who believes he won’t succeed in stopping de Blasio.

I don’t believe this will even get to the point of a courtroom drama, but it does illustrate just how hapless this Mets organization is.

My biggest hope is that under the stewardship of a new owner, that all the dysfunction and turmoil that has plagued the Mets during the Wilpon era, will come to a welcomed end and that fans can embrace the team as it looks toward 2021 and beyond.

I would be remiss if I didn’t end this by saying, “Let’s Go Mets. ”

Hope you are all staying safe and well.