Hard to believe but Spring Training is almost through and the season is slowly creeping up on us… I can’t wait! I feel like I used to as a child on Christmas Eve, when anticipation and anxiety were at their peaks. I think we can expect good things from the Mets performance this year, unlike that unwrapped present from Grandma on Christmas morning which to quote Jeff Foxworthy,” You may not know what’s in it  but you’re pretty sure you’re not gonna like it..”

We may not know exactly what the Mets record will be, but it is completely obvious that this is going to be an exciting season for many reasons. Here are just a few:

The final season at Shea is going to be one filled with nostalgia, pride and hope. Nostalgic looking back at the way things were, pride in past glories and hope for a bright future as Citi Field continues to raise in the shadow of Shea. Most of us Mets fans won’t be able to stop ourselves from being emotional knowing we are walking away for the last time.

The arrival of Johan Santana will be incredible. I know many of us are disappointed he didn’t come out and blow away hitters in the spring, but forget that isn’t why they train. Johan will be going full steam ahead once the season starts and I think it would not be a stretch to expect 20+ wins from him. He will be a joy to watch.

It will also be fun to see how the Mets respond to the adversity from last season, if they can finally take that next step and put themselves head and shoulders above the pack. I believe they will and the Shea faithful will be happy with the results.

Lastly, I would just like to put my 2 cents in on some stuff going on in the league…

Now that Ryan Church is a new father does that mean he will have a statistically comparable season to Carlos Delgados’ “New Dad” season?

The whole farce with Coco Crisp being traded for Angel Pagan was a nightmare when I first heard it. What good would he have done the Mets? It isn’t like he would be starting the whole season which is why he wants out of Boston to begin with! I’m glad we don’t have a $4 million dollar malcontent benchwarmer. Our benchwarmers are plenty happy!

The Braves say that Mike Hampton had “electric” stuff going in his start the other day…forgive me while I just go ahead and hand them the NL East title. Mike Hampton is a lot like El Duque, you can pretty much bet that he will be ailing at some point this season. They would be better off letting him play the field everyday, at least he can hit.

Oh yeah, watch out Mets because Brad Lidge threw batting practice and his knee feels…well, how DOES it feel Brad? “Right now, [my right knee] feels pretty darn good."

Pretty darn good? Well, good luck with that Brad. Make sure you have that neck collar at Citizens Bank Park…you’ll need it with all of the whiplash you will get from watching homers launch.

Hope everyone has a great day! Don’t work TOO hard!