We are pleased to welcome die-hard Met fans Chris Wendelken & Erika Jenson Smith to the MMO team.

Chris and Jenson will take a lighthearted look at the New York Mets each Monday in their Mets Weekly videos which will be featured exclusively on Metsmerized.

Win or lose, the two of them do a nice job of quickly recapping the week that was for the Mets in their own unique and entertaining style. We know you’ll enjoy them and come to look forward to each new episode…

[iframe]<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/lRbTATik-fM” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>[/iframe]

Follow Chris and Jenson on Twitter at @themetsweekly and you can subscribe to them on YouTube at youtube.com/themetsweekly.