A little over 50-something years ago, “I Like Ike” buttons were as popular as MTV was in the Eighties and grunge was in the Nineties.

With the ever-growing popularity of Mets prospect Ike Davis, a resurgence of those “I Like Ike” buttons have made their way across the Mets blogosphere. And while they’re kind of interesting and somewhat nostalgic, they don’t scream METSMERIZED like these do!

Away with those old relics and cast your eyes on these beauties courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Metsmerized!

They are FREE for all you of to use on your sites, home pages, Twitter, Myspace or whatever your heart desires. Knock yourself out and plaster your walls with them if you so desire…

You can get the codes to these and many more of our Amazin’ Buttons by heading over to our “one-of-a-kind” Exclusive Graphics Pages and selecting “Buttons”.

Or for those of you strapped for time, just click here.

We love you guys and please keep those graphics requests coming in!