I love Thanksgiving. It’s definitely one of my favorite holidays mostly because it brings our entire family together and it’s all about good memories, good food, and good times. I’m very thankful for the family I have.

But as a Met fan I’m also very thankful to be part of such a great and unique fan base – my Mets family. I love our passion and how intellectual and knowledgeable we all are when it comes to our team. I find it so fascinating to watch all that passion come out everyday in out MMO community. I’m very thankful for what he have going here.

I asked our writers what one Mets thing they are thankful for, and I love the answers I got back…

Rob Patterson – Tough one. I’d have to say the fan base to be honest. There is little to be optimistic about with the Mets, even long term. I’m proud to be a member of one of the strongest, most in tune fan bases in the game. There aren’t many teams that feature a set of followers willing to sit through this mess. I’m thankful that when I look around, I’m not nearly the only one. We may not always agree, but everyone has the team’s best interest in heart.

Ed Leyro – That’s easy. I’m thankful that I married a Mets fan, who I met for the first time at a Mets game. On the night Johan Santana pitched his no-hitter, we celebrated it together as if the Mets had won the World Series and I wouldn’t have wanted to share that moment with anyone else.

Jessica DeMattia – I’m thankful to be a Mets fan. Period. I was watching the Yankees as they got eliminated and I remember thinking, “It has to suck to be a Yankee fan.” Every season that they don’t win the World Series registers as a failed season. That has to suck not only for the team but also for its fanbase because by that definition, 11 of their last 12 seasons have been failures. The great thing about being a Mets fan is that we really had no expectations going into this season so we can truly appreciate great things when they happen like the no-hitter and R.A. winning the Cy Young. I’m also thankful that my grandma was a Dodgers fan that jumped on the Mets bandwagon in ’62, plain and simple.

Rob (Tie Dyed) – There was definitely not a lot to be thankful for in 2012. I’d have to say Johan’s no-hitter. After rooting for the Mets for 40 years and never seeing a no-no by Seaver, Doc, Kooz, etc, I wondered if I’d ever get to see one. So, to Johan I say, Thanks!

Jessep – Sandy Alderson & Sabermetrics. Okay I’m kidding. I’m thankful that for many days out of the year, the NY Mets are the most stressful part of my life and frankly what happens on the field doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. It doesn’t cure cancer, it doesn’t bring back loved ones, it doesn’t end wars, and it doesn’t rebuild homes but what it does do is give us all a break from the struggles we face and hopefully if we’re lucky – it gives us priceless moments that we can share with others and a break from the daily grind.

Michael Rappaport – That our World Series drought isn’t as long as the Cubs’ drought? In all seriousness, I’m thankful that there are still plenty of die-hard Mets fans that I can interact with and with whom I can share my love of the Mets. It’s been a tough period recently, but it will be that much sweeter when the Mets are back in the postseason and contending for a World Series.

Clare Lafferty – Wow -great question. A few things pop into mind. Of course, June 1 and Johan front and center. But I think I am most grateful for R.A and his amazing season. He was a bright light in an otherwise dark season. He pitched with heart every game and I always felt confident that when he pitched, we would win. Thanks, R.A.!

Drew Staley – For all my complaining I am ever so thankful for the Mets. They are always there for me like a good friend and I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I didn’t have them. R.A. Dickey made the summer fun.

Satish Ram – Mets baseball itself is enough to be thankful for. Even when we’re terrible, I still watch as many games as I can. In fact, the games don’t bring me stress… Alderson and the Wilpons do at times, but not the team. So if you ask me what Mets thing I’m thankful for, it’s just the fact that they play baseball in the greatest city in the world.

Gregg Hopps – The thing that I am thankful for this year, is for the Mets just being there. On the Sunday after the storm I was walking around my neighborhood when I received an email from Joe D. and suddenly for a few moments my mind was taken off problems and distracted (focused) on the Mets. For more than a few times in the last 50 years the Mets have provided a much needed distraction from real life for me. That’s what I’m thankful for.

XtreemIcon – I’m thankful that we have the Mets to discuss. We take things for granted, but I’m thankful that we have baseball and a hometown team to root for.

Nick (NYMets945) – I am thankful for the dedication all Mets fans have to their team. Unlike Yankees fans, half of whom only come out when the playoffs begin, Mets fans are dedicated and endure the good times and bad times. Each day I engage in conversation with players, beat writers, bloggers, and fellow Met fans on Twitter which makes following the team so much better.

What Mets Thing Are You Thankful For?