Moments ago on WFAN, Mike Francesa said the following about comments Jeff Wilpon made regarding Reyes not getting a Carl Crawford type deal.

“Jose Reyes sat right there in that chair and looked me in the eye and told me he was looking for the same deal Carl Crawford signed. He sat right there in that chair. He said it on the air loud and clear, that he expects to get paid like Carl Crawford. This isn’t speculation, this isn’t from some blogger, this is from Jose Reyes himself who sat right there and said it to me. Now, is he gonna get a Carl Crawford type deal? Who knows, I don’t know. We’ll find out.”

“Reyes is playing for a big Crawford deal…He’s playing his heart out. That said, the Mets won’t sign him. Alderson is a different breed. Forget Jose Reyes, Mets fans. He’s gone. You have a new GM who believes in having a team full of $4-5 million dollar players…that’s it. The days of the Mets signing and having 2 or 3 big money guys on the roster is over. It’s done.”

“When the Mets do something it is always perceived as being bad because they never do anything right. I mean he slighted David Wright – his best player. These are the Mets. They deserve their bad reputation, they work very hard at being bad. Players should be all for themselves when they play for the Mets. Get the most money that you can because you’re signing up for misery.”

Thanks, Mike. Thanks, Fred. Thanks, Baseball Gods.