ralph kiner bob murphy lindsey nelson

In my formative years as a Mets Fan, there were so many vivid memories of the wonderful iconic personalities that helped mold me into the Ya Gotta Believe Mets fan I am today.

Of course there’s all the incredible bonds I formed with players such as Tommie Agee, Tom Seaver, Tug McGraw, Rusty Staub, Gary Carter and Mike Piazza to name a few.

But then there was the tremendous supporting cast that only added to my experience.

The incomparable Jane Jarvis playing “Meet the Mets” or “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” on that grand old organ at Big Shea…

sign man miracles wide

Or trying to spot Karl Ehrhardt – The Sign Man – sitting somewhere at field level and always having the perfect neon sign for every moment… Or as Casey Stengel would call them, “placards.”

How about tuning into WOR to see Lindsay Nelson’s technicolor sports jackets if you were lucky enough to own a color television back then?

And no victory was ever complete without tuning in to watch Ralph Kiner on his ground-breaking post-game show Kiner’s Korner..

bob murphy

Then there was the beloved Bob Murphy and his many, many happy recaps. It felt like I was watching the game with my best friend.

I was reminded of all those endearing personalities this weekend when Ray and Casey Ferriola sent me a song they wrote, composed and performed.

“As the Mets embark on their first post-season appearance in many years,” Ray wrote. “I am reminded that this is their first trip to the playoffs without Ralph Kiner. I hope he is watching with Bob and Lindsey.”

This song entitled, “One More Happy Recap” was written after Ralph passed away last year as a tribute to the three original Mets broadcasters and what they meant to Mets fans. Please enjoy…

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