Many Mets fans find themselves in an uproar this evening following an opinion piece by ESPN’s Adam Rubin, that criticized much more than the 2013 roster’s potential.  The highlight of the article, which you can find HERE, is likely a quote stating:

“Manager Terry Collins has done an admirable job trying to put lipstick on a pig with his job fate hanging the balance, but there are alarming early signs this is going to be an abysmal year for the Mets…”

Rubin goes on to criticize many aspects of this season’s roster, to include the outfield, the bullpen, the bench and to a lesser extent even the team’s starting rotation.  Ultimately, however, it is this declaration that did him no favors in the eyes of those who are upset about the piece:

“I have yet to find a scout who will declare the Mets appreciably better than the Marlins, who underwent their latest fire sale.”

You can call Adam Rubin many things (and most people do), but you can’t call him a homer.  Having worked the Mets beat for the past decade he has covered all the highs and lows of both the Omar Minaya and Sandy Alderson era.  Such experience should leave him well-qualified to give his opinion on the matter.  However his best quality, which, in my opinion, is his availability to the fans as not only the most widely known beat writer, but also one of the most accessible on Twitter, also leaves him square in the bulls-eye of a fanbase scorn.

Rubin’s article claims that Mets “need to look in the mirror,” with regards to how they’ve handle injuries in recent years.  I would contest that many Mets fans need to do the same.  The contents of this very blunt interpretation of the upcoming season doesn’t differ much from the majority of blog posts and tweets that have filled social media over the offseason.  The fact of the matter is that there is a lot of truth in Rubin’s determination that this season’s outfield may be laughable, he is accurate in stating that the rotation could quickly become a concern if Johan Santana and/or Shaun Marcum aren’t ready, and he is dead to rights correct that the Mets will once again field a team with little to no depth at many positions.

As the phrase goes, if you’re a real Mets fan,”Ya Gotta Believe.”  That should be no different this season.  But let’s not completely ignore the facts, especially for the sole reason that those facts are coming from the source you love to hate.

The Mets have issues. You know it. I know it. And you best believe the guy who has been covering the team for the past decade from the locker room knows it.

Rubin, just like his employer at ESPN, often deserves his criticism, but this time isn’t one of them.  The Mets aren’t poised to contend.  Don’t reject that notion just because someone from the inside, who you happen to dislike, sees the same things most of you have been complaining about all winter.

Follow me on Twitter at @RobPatterson83.  If your daring enough, you can also follow Adam at AdamRubinESPN.