david wright

Mets third baseman David Wright was at the Hampton Roads Sports Academy in Norfolk, Virginia and was video taped swinging a bat in their indoors batting cage last week.

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Wright, 34, was knocked out for the season when he underwent neck surgery last June. Before that, he had hit .226/.350/.438 with seven home runs and 14 RBIs.

According to what general manager Sandy Alderson said last month, Wright is on track to begin full baseball activities in January.

“I think that we’re very hopeful he’s gonna be able to come back and be productive,” Alderson said. However, “I think we have to be realistic about how many games we can expect him to perform.”

Alderson says he hopes for Wright to play four out of every five games in 2017, which would end up being about 130 games. That would most likely include late-game pinch-hitting appearances and not just starts.

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