Steve Cohen held his first public interview with SNY on Wednesday evening, where he vocalized that he is sticking to his plan for Mets success. It was so wonderful to hear. Do you know what else was wonderful? Seeing his wife, Alex Cohen, make a guest appearance on the interview. That is something that should not be underrated.

They love us, Mets fans, they really do. I am not trying to be facetious — the fact that both of them came on the interview shows Mets fans that they care about what the fans are saying and how they are perceived by the fans. I mean, Steve is a fan himself so he knows! He even joked that he wants to hear from fans because they’re “the customer” and the ones “paying the bills.” And his wife coming on reaffirms this, especially by saying how “the fans are so welcoming.”

Alex Cohen did not have to come onto the interview, but she did. Think back — can you even picture the wives of the Wilpons? I know I can’t. They were not involved at all. Alex, on the other hand, just showed us all that she is involved, and that she is not taking the title of Mets owner lightly.

This cameo showed fans that she is not just “the wife of the owner” but that she is owner too, as it should be. He thoughts, concerns, and opinions will be taken into account on things. If that wasn’t evident by her having Mets owner in her twitter bio, it is definitely evident now that we just witnessed the two of them together.

The Cohens also gave us insight into their relationship — they truly are partners, in every sense of the word. She is right there, by his side, both personally and professionally. You could tell that he truly cares about what she thinks. Not that we have any doubt in Steve Cohen running the Mets, but it’s important for everyone to have someone in their lives that we know will be candid with them and always steer them in the right direction.

Both of them coming on the interview showed us that as Mets fans, we are now part of the Cohen family. They are a unit (some fans call them a parental unit, others refer to them as an aunt and uncle fixture). But Alex Cohen made it known tonight that she is there right by Steve and is there for Mets fans, and that is a beautiful thing to see.

Thank you, Alex. Especially on behalf of female Mets fans and bloggers everywhere, it meant so much seeing you during the interview.