
Hello Everyone and a Very Healthy and Happy New Year to you all in 2017.

Thank you so much for what was another remarkable year of growth and expansion for MMO. It’s because of you that MMO has become the single most active Mets online community there is. A community so rich in opinions and diversity that continues to grow exponentially even as we begin our 13th year of covering our beloved Mets.


I took a quick look at some of our numbers over the past 12 months and I found it amazing that December represented our highwater mark for 2016 and not by a little, but by a lot. Our unique visits in December were more than double than in December of 2015, and our unique visits in 2016 were up almost double than the previous year. That is pretty extraordinary growth for a site that is over 12 years old.

Since day one, our goal has always been to create a Mets Fan Site that truly represented all Mets fans; guys and gals, young and old, optimists and pessimists. And guess what… Thanks to over 25,000 of you who visit this site each day, we have succeeded, and together we’ve created something truly special.


Our age demographic keeps trending older which is kind of odd for a sports site which usually has a very young audience. Over 68 percent of our readership is over 35 years years old. That’s up from 66.5 percent a year ago. Another interesting demographic is that 65 percent of our readership has a college degree or higher, not that that makes and difference in how passionate we all are about our Mets..

I’m truly appreciative of what we have here on MMO and I can’t thank you enough for choosing us to get your Mets fix. I know you have a lot of choices out there and I want you to know that I’m committed to providing you with a constant stream of Mets news and opinion as the vast majority of you requested in our polling back in August. It’s not easy maintaining that kind of a pace but we are doing the best we can.

You don’t need me to tell you that our engagement has more than doubled for the third year in a row and I think most would agree that the comment threads are more civil and productive now than they have been in years. Personally, I derive so much enjoyment from interacting with all of you on our comment threads and I like experiencing all your passion for the team first hand. I’ve often referred to all of you as part of my great, big, extended family and I truly mean that.

Whether you write for MMO, engage in the comments, submit an occasional Fan Shot, or just come over to read our articles and our threads, this site wouldn’t be what it is without all of your active participation. Thank you so much for all your support.

Also a great big thank you to all of our writers, editors, contributors, analysts and tech people that keep this site running night and day. None of this is possible without you.

I know we are far from perfect, but we do what we can with the most limited of resources. God Bless You All and Have A Happy and Healthy New Year.

Joe D.

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