Happy Monday Mets-fans! I feel pretty good for a Monday, seeing that the Mets won the last game of the twin bill against the Rangers. Trot Nixon did pretty well in his first appearance and Pedro made it through 6 innings without getting injured, so today should be a pretty good day. Like many Mets fans, there is a direct correlation between my daily happiness and the Mets performance the day or night before. As a matter of fact, I feel so good today I think I’ll even award a “Metsy”. If I could do a happy dance it would look something like this.

So Pedro, this “Metsy” is for you! Sure he isn’t “Staff Ace” Pedro anymore, but anytime he takes the mound he is sure to put on a show. Whether that show has anything to do with pitching is beside the point. It’s a show nonetheless!


But alas, not all is well in Flushing these days. Speculation about Willies’ job status has run so rampant that it must be ultra awkward for he and Omar to have any conversation. Kind of like talking to your girlfriend or boyfriend when you both know that you are at a dead end, and the only thing that will bring that sweet release is a break-up. I can’t even imagine what it would be like for them to be in the same room with the Wilpons to talk business. That conversation would go over like a turd in the punch bowl I believe. I suppose there’s no use harping about it, Omar and the Wilpons are going to do what they gotta do anyway.


It was nice to see Trot Nixon in a Mets uniform. Now if we could just pry Millar from Baltimore and Manny from the Sox, it would be a 2004 Red Sox reunion! I certainly wouldn’t mind that if it got results, but Manny would never play at Shea due to not being able to urinate between pitching changes behind the outfield wall. Of course he could just be like Moises and pee on his hands in the clubhouse to help his grip on the bat. It’s all about self control Manny…


Okay, enough of that potty talk! I hope everyone has a great day and “Lets Go Mets!”